Consignment Details

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This screen enables you to enter the full consignment details.

  1. The Reference for the consignment. This can be automatically generated by entering Auto Generated Prefixes in the Account Details screen.
  2. The Insurance cover per Tonne is configured per account and is also set up in the Account Details screen.
  3. The Number of lifts used to load the consignment.
  4. Total consignment Gross Weight.
  5. The total number of Full pallets.
  6. The total number of Half pallets.
  7. The total number of Quarter pallets.
  8. Consignment Total pallet spaces (automatically calculated) from above.
  9. Handball the consignment.
  10. Tail Lift the consignment.
  11. Service required: ECONOMY - PREMIUM. This can be pre-populated by entering Service Surcharge defaults in the Account Details screen.
  12. Surcharge applied to the selected service. This can be pre-populated by entering Service Surcharge defaults in the Account Details screen.
  13. BIN-Request booking in request (BIN).
  14. Specify delivery date to enter a specific day for the delivery.
  15. Delivery Contact information (Name).
  16. Delivery Depot if not using the default.
  17. When all the correct details are entered click Next to Review and add more consignments.
  18. To go to the previous window select the Previous button.