Consignment Details

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The Consignment Details of the selected Manifest is shown below.

  1. If you wish to Edit or Delete a consignment, it should be selected first.
  2. Select this option if you wish to Add New Consignment to the selected manifest.
  3. The default mode is Edit Consignment when this screen is shown.
    Note: You cannot change the delivery or collection addresses in Edit Consignment mode.
  4. Select this option if wish to Delete Consignment.
  5. Select this option if you wish to save partially completed consignments when you cancel the wizard. It can be enabled from Preferences.
  6. Selecting Trailer Completed will also change the Next button to Finish.
    This will complete the Manifest and enable generation of the CSV file when the Finish button is pressed.
  7. Depending on the mode that is selected the Next button will either Add, Edit or Delete the selected consignment.
  8. To go to the previous window select the Previous button.
  9. Once the Finish button is clicked a brief message will appear similar to the one below.